
As you may know, I am in the midst of a new season in life.  In April of 2010 I took a step of faith, leaving my profession in internal auditing to pursue a calling as a full-time intercessory missionary at the International House of Prayer: Eastern Gate (IHOP-EG).  Though this season has been turbulent at times, the Lord has time and again confirmed the call. I am honored that God would take this weak and broken vessel and intersect the short span of my days with the times and seasons of His redemptive story.

I’d like to share for a moment how I landed here. The first seed was first laid as a 13 year old singing “it’s all about You” at a summer retreat. For a brief glimpse, the Holy Spirit broke into my reality, and gave me entrance into the all shattering reality, that human history is unfolding towards His pre-eminence in all things forever. I now believe that it was the good and perfect leadership of the Lord to begin my journey with a reality that I might live and die for.

Fast forward to September 2008. I found myself at the Grease Trucks at Rutgers, gathering with about 20 college students to worship and exalt Jesus. I was witnessing the fulfillment of two years worth of prayer, divine moments and prophetic promises. In the three and a half years since, what is now known as the Rutgers House of Prayer continues to contend for the 96% of our generation (post 1983) that do not know Him. In the last few years, I have witnessed the Holy Spirit move in healings, miracles, and baptisms right in the dorm room prayer meetings. Even greater than that, I’ve witnessed my generation returning to the first and greatest commandment.

In 2009, God started to develop in me a zeal for His House. The House that God Himself ordains to be a “House of Prayer”.  Around that time, I connected with Pastor Gary of the Furnace House of Prayer and we shared our hearts before linking our generations together in building a 24/7, regional House of Prayer. At the time, we had no idea what we were doing. Towards the end of December 2009, our small band of intercessors began to discern an acceleration of what God was doing. The next three months left us completely stunned as God released token after token unto the opening of IHOP Eastern Gate into the greater NY region.

Towards late March 2010, circumstances at work suddenly changed for the worse, but I felt the Holy Spirit saying not to worry and not to look for a new job. I then received a dream that connected me back to my salvation experience as a 13 year old. I had written a letter to God basically saying, “I don’t understand Matthew 10, but I say yes to it all.” Around the time of the dream, I had been weeping over a phrase God had been giving me, “allegiance to Jesus to the end”. On March 30th, I re-affirmed my original “yes” to Matthew 10 and pursued the call I knew the Lord had marked me with.

The occupation of full-time intercessor, while new is not novel. David the great warrior king asked God for one thing, that He would behold God’s beauty and inquire in His temple. He not only asked it for himself but required it in his kingdom, by hiring full-time musicians and singers to minister before the LORD night and day. As they sang, they received tremendous prophetic insight into the 1st and 2nd coming of Jesus. The primary focus of the House of Prayer is on the first greatest commandment. In the midst of night and day worship and intercession, God releases lovesickness and a prophetic spirit that enables His church to stand as faithful witnesses, to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom, and prepare the nations for a returning King.

The invitation set before me was not to a pulpit, platform or glory, but to wilderness, humility and meekness. My time at the base is split into two halves. I devote 24 hours a week to worship and intercession. The other 24 hours I lead various ministries. At the current time,  I give leadership to three different departments, Forerunner College Initiative, Staffing Community, and Fire Internships.

As I desire to devote the strength of my energy, resources, and time to this call, I am fully dependent and confident in God and His church for financial provision. I simply ask that if God gives grace, you would consider sowing into my small ministry, which is unto the local and global prayer movement. I know that whatever would be reaped would be for your mutual benefit and reward, whether in this age or the age to come. Also, I pray that in giving, you would not give emptily but engage faith. According to the example of Mary of Bethany, I believe that a grace for extravagant abandonment will be presented as a “memorial” to the nations of the earth to testify the worth of Jesus. I thank each of you for having sown into my journey with God and I hope to sow into yours as we run alongside each other.

With a Debt of Love,
Hans Kim
International House of Prayer / Intercessory Missionary / Full-Time Staff